OPINIONShareShare on Facebook Share on of news from the extensive and developing field of quantum computers which we publish in cooperation with the Qubitscz blogQuantovka in the Czech RepublicLast time I referred to an interview with the minister where they talked about the IBM quantum hub or the national quantum strategy More information is hereAnd the story continues.
On June 2 Quantum Day is being held at FJFI CTU with the subtitle Quantum Day Indonesia WhatsApp Number Data transfers quantum technologies from scientific workplaces to real use in industry Lets discover together where their place is Well see what happensQuantum computersA phonon is a quasiparticle of sound that behaves in many ways like a photon It is popularly described as the elementary quantum of sound And it is in this area that we have seen several advances published in .
Science or Nature And of course since it is a quantum object the question of using it as a qubit is easy One of the potential main advantages should be the very long coherence time Some also call it a mechanical qubit You can also find a little Czech on OselczA platform containing mechanical resonators where we can study phonons at nearzero temperaturesA platform containing mechanical resonators where we can study phonons at nearzero temperatures.