Stanford University. He has received many awards and honors such as the Turing Award for his contributions to the subject of AI in the US National Medal of Science in and the Kyoto Prize in with the Benjamin Franklin Medal in . Early life and education edit edit source John McCarthy was born in Boston Massachusetts on September to an Irish immigrant father and a Lithuanian Jewish immigrant mother John Patrick and Ida Glatt McCarthy. The family was forced to evacuate further during .
Great Depression until McCarthys father found work as a deployment organizer for the California. His father came from the fishing village of Cromane in County Kerry Ireland. His mother died in . McCarthy was exceptionally intelligent and graduated from Belmont High School two years early. McCarthy was accepted into Caltech in . You are reading John McCarthy computer Graphics Design Service scientist Vietnamese Wikipedia McCarthy showed an early aptitude for mathematics As a teenager he taught himself college mathematics by studying and investigating textbooks used at the nearby California Institute of Technology Caltech. As a result he would have completely missed two pioneering years of study.
Caltech mathematics school. McCarthy was suspended from Caltech for failing to take physical health education courses. He then served in the United States Army and was readmitted receiving a Bachelors degree in mathematics in . It was at Caltech that he attended a lecture by John von Neumann. inspired his future endeavors. McCarthy began his research and graduate studies at Caltech before moving to Princeton University. He received his Ph.D. in mathematics from the university in while a student of Solomon Lefschetz. After brief appointments at Princeton and Stanford Universities McCarthy became an assistant professor.