The number of difficult words appearing in the sentence. Words with or more syllables for English and words with syllables or longer for Polish are considered difficult . To calculate what FOG value a given text has you can use the following formula: FOG formula for calculating the readability index. You can but who's counting ;. To check whether your text will be understandable to the recipients for whom it was created it is worth screening it using one of the online tools.
The following will not only determine the accessibility of the text but will also tell you what should be improved so that the content reads itself. Clarity Jasnopis is a simple intuitive tool for selfchecking the socalled text difficulty classes. The tool does not use the Australia WhatsApp Number Data full FOG index but only a simplified difficulty scale from to . However you can easily see which parts of the text need improvement. Clairvoyant will show you for example too long sentences or stylistic errors. Clairvoyant an example of a free online tool. Logos Logios is a professional tool that measures not only the readability of text but also other language features.
It is used to analyze optimize and simplify texts from various spheres of life including Content Marketing. In the free version of the tool we can use the for fun tab a simplified but also very useful text analysis. We will see among others: FOG value. Logios is another tool that measures the readability of text. FOG readability index and effective content marketing The FOG readability index is a method of assessing the clarity or if you prefer vagueness of content based on the frequency of difficult words. Remember however that these are words that are difficult for a layman a person without specialized education or unfamiliar with a given topic. .