Analytical marketing lack of experts
This makes him highly successful and assertive in the following actions :Campaign optimizationBased on data, you can evaluate the performance of your campaigns in real time and make adjustments to maximize their effectiveness.Deep customer knowledgeBy analyzing your audience's first-party data, you can gain a more complete understanding of your customers, their preferences, behaviors, and needs.Improved customization Using analytical information, you can personalize your Bolivia WhatsApp Number messages and offers to meet the specific demands of your customers.Costs reductionThanks to the data, you will identify areas of high and low performance, you will be able to optimize your marketing investments and reduce unnecessary costs.decision makingDecisions supported by first-party data minimize risks and increase the likelihood of success of marketing strategies petitive advantageWhen you analyze and understand your audience better, you can act more assertively when planning marketing actions.
Metrics and tools for marketing analysisanalytical marketingThe key metrics to consider for analytical marketing are: Conversion rateReturn on investment (ROI)Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)Lifetime Value (LTV)bounce rateEngagement in social networksClicks and email open rates.Meanwhile, some of the tools that provide data for analysis are: Google AnalyticsHubSpotSEMRush/AhrefsMailChimpHootsuitemozEach tool offers specific features for different needs and marketing professionals choose them according to the analysis they must perform . and fatal errorsmarketing analysis talentsThe CMO Surveyconducted by Duke University's Fuqua School of Business and sponsored by Deloitte LLP and the American Marketing Association found that only 1.9% of marketing leaders reported that their companies have the right talent to leverage analytics.