Spanish highways will be tolled within a year: the State does not have the...
The hole in the toll motorways, which amounts to 3.8 billion, and the lack of funds from the Ministry of Public Works to maintain the highway network, will accelerate the implementation of tolls on all highways in Spain. It is the harsh forecast that the highway employers make. The Government will raise 2.5 billion with the implementation of tolls on all highways. ACS, OHL and Abertis have presented a non-stop charging system to Fomento Sources close to the ASETA employers' association , consulted by El Confidencia Digital , assure that the State cannot rescue the ten Spanish highways at risk of bankruptcy , of which five are already in bankruptcy. As you need to raise resources in any way possible and the most direct and effective way is to implement tolls on the highways. With the 'eurovignette' The Ministry of Public Works neither confirms nor denies this possibility: it continues studying measures to tackle the highway crisis, and has never ruled out tolls , which also have the endorsement of the European Union.
The perfect alibi for implementing tolls on a widespread basis is the mandatory transposition into Spanish legislation of the European directive on the ' eurovignette' , the rate levied on trucks for the use of high-capacity roads . The deadline for the application of the European directive is October 16, 2013. The highway crisis, which could Middle East Mobile Number List directly end with the bankruptcy of several of them, is weighing heavily on the Development strategy, which has fewer and fewer alternatives. For now, the ministry has limited itself to injecting semi-bankrupt concessionaires with 550 million in participatory loans and compensation accounts for the very serious loss of traffic due to the crisis. The option for the State to rescue the concessions is currently unviable. The public coffers are not there to take care of broken highways. Fomento has already said that it would approve the rescue when it had financial resources , and that is a long way off.
In less than a year The concession sector is certain that the Government will carry out this operation sooner rather than later, in less than a year, "although they cannot say so due to the political cost." In this regard, it is recalled that in Portugal , tolling on the entire highway network was implemented overnight , at the request of the European Union , and today it is paid for the use of the entire high-capacity road network. Regarding the political cost of implementing tolls on the entire highway network, ASETA believes that it is a lower cost than that of raising VAT or Personal Income Tax , two taxes that are levied on the entire population without exception. In any case, a payment for use is more palatable than a tax, since it would only affect those who travel on highways, and not on national roads. exp-player-logo Strawberries: A trip through the best producing regions of Spain Spain has a unique status in Europe with its free highways, since more than 50% of the high-capacity networks in France, Germany and Italy are paid .