Being obliged to enforce this standard,
highlighting, for example, the achievement or surpassing of the objectives of the business plan. Share the article banner article white papers seo Categort navigation Similar articles sxo core web vitals SXO: The “Core Web Vitals” update announced byfundamental steps of inbound marketing Juent Your email address will not be published Required fields marked withWebsite Save my name, email, and website inThe GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) was implemented in the European Union from .The GDPR will require that sites with European traffic be provided with PII (personally identifiable information) with WhatsApp Number List a notification informing each user. The giant Google quickly stepped up to the plate and carried out an audit on certain sites to ensure compliance with this GDPR standard. During the audit Google was able to identify sites with dialog boxes that do not meet the standards required by the consent policy .Google has set the date of Friday.
May 15 for publishers to set up a dialog box that respects consent standards as well as updating privacy policy pages. The sanctions that will follow non-compliance with these standards will be the removal of Google advertisements on your site. Make sure your site is up to date with these standards now! Share the article banner article white papers seo Category: Blog May 19, 2020 Post navigation Similar articles sxo core web vitals SXO: The “Core Web Vitals” update announced by Google 4 fundamental steps of inbound ma