Development of cooperation with partners
本帖最後由 fafoxo7921 於12:12 編輯A big and pleasant surprise for me were the planned changes in cooperation with partners and resellers. They announced the implementation of all the solutions requested by the partners. From the perspective of several years of working with hosting companies, I must admit that this approach is unique. All the discussed facilities will allow partners to serve their customers even better, helping them to perform more and more activities. We will be able to tell you more about the new products on offer for our customers in the first quarter of next year.
dhosting affiliate program Corporate social responsibility The key birthday surprise was the announcement of cooperation with the Mam Marzenie Foundation . will make it possible to allocate funds from the affiliate program to support the activities of the Phone Number List Foundation, which fulfills the dreams of seriously ill children. The presentation of the President, Mrs. Karolina Adamska-Woźniak, was very moving and certainly encouraged many people to act in favor of this idea. For more information about the cooperation itself, please see the interview .阿尔巴尼亚-电话数据-30-300x106.png
Mam Marzenie Foundation dhosting cooperation People People, and once again People In this report I will not write about technical topics that are of interest to few outside the industry . But I would like to emphasize one thing. So far, I have only dealt with the team virtually. Whether in crisis situations when their help was needed, or when publishing an e-book together. Even then, I was surprised by the positive and open communication. Without the pomposity and corporate spin that I was used to in cooperation with other hosting companies.